Monday, August 4, 2014

7 Steps how we can use our ideas to make into business

Today in our modern technology life, almost everything is easy and free. Making a business is not impossible to make it but we don’t know what idea we’re going to use. One of my blog named 5 reasons why we don’t succeed in your tech startup, I mentioned that every one hour, human being created a newly fresh ideas. So I listed 7 Tips on how we can use your ideas to make into business.

1. Start from scratch  –

It’s better to write down on a paper when every idea came into your mind. Write everything you think then review and read later.

2. Get going –

Don’t stay in your room alone, much better if you go outside, face the reality, talk to you friends, family, co-workers and talk to people just a normal citizen, and then slightly ask a few basic problems, get some information, list their problem on your paper. Watch on informative TV shows, news, browse and get data in the internet. Attend a seminar or any activity that you can get information.

3. Review and exam –

Like in school, we need to review what we are studying then take an exam. Read all the data you’ve collected, small to large problem is not a big deal; the important thing is to deal with their problems. Try to answer and give a solution that can solve the problem.

4. Give away hands-on service test –

After answering and giving solution based on your studies, it’s time to make an activity and test your solutions. Try as much as possible as free or cheap materials for your product and services. Show it to all people involved and show some smile.

5. Customer Satisfaction –

Now it’s time to collect the data from your customer, write it down again what remarks and feedback from the customers. If you can ask them to rate your service or ask for their suggestions, then record whether fail or success every customer concerned.

6. Upgrade your product and services –

To upgrade your product and services using all the information you’ve gathered. Just do the step 3, step 4, and step 5, then repeat the process until you created your business model. You can use blog, or any social media sites, community or you can build your own website to make your own communication platform to make a fast, easy, reliable and great communication and other business activity with your customer.

7. Innovation –

Congratulation! You are successful entrepreneur now! you solve a problem and make it profitable. But wait, after doing all the process and you think your business will survive years after years.  Don’t forget to innovate your product and services, innovation is not similar as upgrading your product 10% more but to do 10x MORE and it will last 10 – 20 years from now. I mentioned in one of my blog post here 5 reasons why you don’t succeed in your tech start up – (#5. Lack of skills): Engineering person hires sales person, then sales person hires engineering person. What if you want to innovate your product but you are lack of skills, ofcourse you can always hire skilled person for your business.

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